Event Details

Tractor Ploughing

Tractors on site by 8:30am.

Plough off 9 am.

Horse Ploughing

Plough off 11 am.

Roots, fodder and corn

Judged on the day.

Entries to be staged by 10:15 am.

Farm Competitions

To be judged before the show.

Growing Cereals 

(Judged early July)

Grass, Seed leys Game cover.

(Judged early Sept.) 


(Judged early Sept.)


(Judged early Sept.)


(Judged early Sept.)


(Judged August.) 

Best Farm (any acreage)

(judged in July)

Innovation within the farm business

(judged in July)

Please contact stewards with entries.

Domestic and Floral

Entries for domestic and floral  close the day before the show.         24/9/2024


Entries on the day double fee.

Contact Mrs. J Padfield 01892 852897

Entries to be staged by 10:15 am.

Fun Dog Show

Entries from 12 noon.

Judging starts from 12 noon.

Sale by Auction

Entries in the Cookery and Preserves Classes of domestic section as well as samples from the Fodder, Corn and Fruit sold in the afternoon for the benefit of show funds unless otherwise stated.

Other attractions

Threshing machine on display.

Trade Stands and Demonstrations. 

Demonstration by United Retriever Club Southern Area.

Refreshments available on show ground.

Grand draw.

Steam Ploughing

We always welcome new entries for all classes.

In the event of adverse weather please call the chairman on 07786 981441.